Owe Back Taxes: Facing a Back Tax Bill? Know Your Options Before
Before It's Too Late!

Facing the weight of back taxes? We can help you lift the burden. Our tax resolution experts understand that everyone deserves a second chance. Don’t let your past tax issues hold you back any longer. With our assistance, get financial clarity and freedom. It’s time to turn the page and start anew with Turn to Tax Resolution.

In-Depth Guide: What are Back Taxes?
Back taxes refer to tax liabilities that have not been paid by their due date. They accumulate when a taxpayer fails to pay the full amount of taxes owed to the government within the prescribed time frame. This can happen for various reasons and often leads to additional financial and legal consequences.

In-Depth Guide: What are Back Taxes?

Back taxes refer to tax liabilities that have not been paid by their due date. They accumulate when a taxpayer fails to pay the full amount of taxes owed to the government within the prescribed time frame. This can happen for various reasons and often leads to additional financial and legal consequences.

Understanding the Common Reasons for Owing Back Taxes

Underreporting Income: This occurs when an individual or business does not report their full income on their tax returns. The discrepancy between the reported income and the actual income results in less tax being paid than is actually owed.

Failing to File Tax Returns: Not filing a tax return by the due date can lead to back taxes. This is because the government estimates what is owed based on available information and typically imposes tax liabilities accordingly.

Incorrectly Filing Tax Returns: Errors or omissions in tax returns can result in incorrect tax calculations, leading to unpaid taxes.

Not Paying Taxes on Time: Even if a tax return is filed correctly, failing to pay the owed taxes by the due date results in back taxes.

Why Choose Us?

14+ Years of Expertise in IRS Negotiations

We specialize in negotiating with the IRS on your behalf. Our team has the right knowledge and experience to effectively communicate and advocate for you.

Tailored Solutions for Back Taxes

We understand that each situation is unique. Our approach is to provide personalized solutions to help resolve your specific back tax issues.

Bilingual Client Service

We provide services in both English and Spanish, catering to a diverse clientele and ensuring clear communication for all.

Transparent and Honest Communication

We believe in keeping you informed and involved. Expect clear, honest, and regular updates regarding your case.

Long-Term Financial Health

Our support doesn’t just stop with resolving your current tax issues. We also offer guidance to improve your overall financial health, helping you avoid future tax problems.

Dedicated Support Team

Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you. We’re committed to providing the support and attention your case deserves.

Confidentiality and Privacy

We take your privacy seriously. All information shared with us is handled with the utmost confidentiality.

Comprehensive Back Tax Assistance

From filing unsubmitted returns to setting up manageable payment plans, we offer comprehensive assistance every step of the way.

Tax Resolution Expertise

Our team has specialized knowledge in handling complex IRS and State tax issues, offering you expert guidance.

We understand that facing back taxes can be a daunting experience. It’s more than just numbers and laws; it’s about the people behind those numbers and their peace of mind. Our commitment is to provide not only expert resolution services but also a compassionate ear and a guiding hand through what can be a challenging time.

Sara Escobar,
EA & Founder, Turn to Tax Resolution

Our Process:
How can we Help you?

We start by thoroughly assessing your situation to understand the full extent of your back taxes. This helps us create a tailored plan that specifically addresses your needs.

If you have unfiled tax returns, our experts provide help with filing back taxes. We ensure that your returns are accurate and complete, reducing the likelihood of further issues.

Our team has extensive experience in negotiating with tax authorities. Rely on our expertise to handle the negotiations professionally and efficiently, ensuring the best possible results for your situation.​

If you cannot pay the entire amount upfront, we assist in setting up manageable IRS payment plans with the IRS. This approach helps you clear your debt over time without overwhelming financial stress.​

In some instances, you might be eligible for an IRS offer in compromise or other settlement options. We explore all possible avenues to reduce the amount you owe.​

Beyond just resolving current back tax problems, we provide guidance to prevent similar issues in the future. This includes advice on tax planning and compliance.

Beyond just resolving current back tax problems, we provide guidance to prevent similar issues in the future. This includes advice on tax planning and compliance. ​

If there’s a dispute regarding your back taxes, our professionals can represent your interests, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the process.​

Our aim is to make the process as smooth and hassle-free as possible for you. From the initial consultation to resolving your back taxes, we ensure clear communication and efficient handling of your case.

We understand that dealing with back taxes can be stressful. Our approach is not only professional but also empathetic to your situation. We handle your case with the utmost confidentiality and care.

Owe Back Taxes?

Don’t Wait For Penalties To Grow. Act Today for A Brighter Tomorrow!

Take Action Now!

Consequences of Not Resolving Back Taxes
  • Expert Guidance and Accuracy
  • Unlocking Tax Deductions and Credits
  • Time-Efficient Filing Peace of Mind
  • Minimization of Penalties and Interest
  • Efficient Dispute Resolution

our clients says

Elizabeth Moran

Marketing Consultant
I was drowning under $40,000 in back taxes with no clear solution. And, then I met Sara through my husband’s colleague. Sara formulated a strategy that cut down my debt by half and also structured a repayment plan that I could actually manage. I owe it to her!

Frequently Asked Questions

In some cases, the IRS may offer forgiveness programs like an Offer in Compromise, which allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount. Let us help you determine if you qualify for such programs and guide you through the application process.

Yes, the IRS offers payment plans, including installment agreements for paying back taxes over time. Turn to Tax Resolution can assist in setting up a payment plan that aligns with your financial situation.

Yes, Turn to Tax Resolution is equipped to handle both state and federal back tax issues, providing comprehensive assistance to address all aspects of your tax situation.

Jail time for unpaid taxes is rare and usually occurs in tax evasion or fraud cases. For most taxpayers, the consequences are financial, such as penalties and interest. Turn to Tax Resolution can help you address your back taxes to avoid these severe consequences.

If you are facing an IRS audit due to back taxes, Turn to Tax Resolution can provide IRS representation, help gather necessary documentation, and ensure your rights are protected throughout the audit process.

Act now to secure your financial peace of mind.

The solution to your tax challenges is just a consultation away.

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