IRS Tax Lien
Don’t Let it Hold You Back!

Facing an IRS tax lien can be gut-wrenching. Don’t let a tax lien hold you back from financial stability. Our team is ready to provide swift, professional assistance to resolve your tax lien issues, safeguard your assets, and restore your peace of mind. Take the first step towards a brighter future.

Understanding in Detail: What is an IRS Tax Lien?

An IRS Tax lien is a legal claim against your property, including real estate, personal property, and financial assets, when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. The lien protects the government’s interest in all your property, including property acquired after the lien is filed.

So, how does an IRS tax lien affect you?

Once the IRS files a tax lien, it may limit your ability to get credit, and it attaches to all your current assets and future assets acquired during the duration of the lien. Moreover, an IRS tax lien may appear on your credit report, making it challenging to obtain new credit or loans.

But here’s the critical question: Can you get rid of an IRS tax lien? Absolutely.

The process of IRS tax lien removal begins once the tax debt is paid in full. However, there are other ways to address it even if you can’t pay the full amount immediately. This is where negotiation and settlement options like an Offer in Compromise or installment agreements come into play, potentially leading to the withdrawal of the lien. However, many people find the application process and dealing with the IRS directly to be frightening!

Concerned about an IRS tax lien on your property?

Don’t let it overwhelm you. Let our in-house experts help you explore your options for IRS tax lien removal. Take the first step towards reclaiming your financial freedom in Texas and beyond. Get a better solution now!

Our Process

How do we Approach your IRS Tax Lien?

Step : 01

Initial Consultation

We start with a thorough discussion to understand your specific situation and the details of the IRS tax lien. This step is crucial for us to tailor our approach effectively.

Step : 02

Assessment of Your Financial Position

Our team conducts a comprehensive review of your financial status. We analyze your assets, liabilities, and overall financial health to strategize the best course of action.

Step : 03

Exploring Resolution Options

Depending on your situation, we explore various options like setting up payment plans, negotiating an Offer in Compromise, or other IRS relief programs that could lead to the removal of the tax lien.

Step : 04

Implementing the Action Plan

Once we determine the most viable solution, we put the plan into action. This may involve negotiating with the IRS, completing necessary paperwork, and ensuring compliance with all tax laws.

Step : 05

Monitoring and Adjusting Strategy as Needed

As we work through the process, we continuously monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. Our aim is to efficiently move towards the removal of the tax lien.

Step : 06

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Final Resolution and Follow-up

After resolving the lien, we don’t just stop there. We provide ongoing advice and support to help you maintain tax compliance and prevent future tax issues.

We understand the stress and burden an IRS tax lien can bring to your life. Let us help you lift the burden of a tax lien and guide you toward a more promising financial future. Get in touch today.

Michael Sullivan

Former IRS Agent, Teaching Instructor,
Fox and ABC News Contributor

What makes Turn to Tax Resolution Different?

Personalized Client Focus

We understand that every client has a unique financial situation. Our services are not one-size-fits-all; we offer personalized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs you have.

Extensive Experience

Our team is composed of seasoned professionals with deep knowledge and understanding of tax resolution avenues. This expertise allows us to handle even the most complex tax situations effectively.

Compassionate Approach

For 10+ years, we have recognized the stress and worry that tax problems cause. Our team approaches each case with empathy and understanding, ensuring our clients feel supported and valued throughout the process.

Commitment to Transparency

We believe in clear and open communication. Our clients are kept informed at every stage of the process, and we ensure they understand all their options and the steps being taken on their behalf.

Proven Track Record

Our history of successful resolutions speaks to our ability to deliver results. We have helped numerous clients navigate their tax issues and achieve favorable outcomes.

Ongoing Support and Empowerment

Beyond resolving immediate tax problems, we provide ongoing support and education to our clients. We empower them with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions and avoid future tax issues.

Ethical Standards

We adhere to high ethical standards in all our dealings. Our clients can trust that they receive honest, reliable, and professional service.
Research suggests that around 1 in 10 Americans have a federal tax lien at some point in their life. Are you among them? Don’t let the IRS crush you. Get immediate help when you still have time!

Learn in Depth: How to Remove an IRS Tax Lien?

Pay the Tax Debt
The most straightforward way to remove an IRS tax lien is by paying the tax debt in full. Once the debt is cleared, the IRS will issue a release of the tax lien within 30 days.
IRS Installment Agreement

If you’re unable to pay in full, consider an installment agreement. Once you’re in compliance and certain conditions are met, you can request the IRS to withdraw the lien.

IRS Offer in Compromise
This option allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount. If accepted, this can lead to an IRS tax lien release.
Prove Financial Hardship

Demonstrating that the lien is hindering your ability to pay the debt, the IRS may consider withdrawing the lien.

Statute of Limitations

This is just another avenue that can help resolve the situation. Tax liens generally last for ten years, after which the IRS must release the lien.

Appeal the Lien

If you believe the tax lien was filed in error, you can appeal to the IRS for its removal.

Remember, dealing with tax liens can be complex. Seeking professional help can provide guidance on how to release or remove IRS tax liens effectively.

Book a discovery call to take the first step to relief.

Why should you Partner with us?

our clients says

Robert Clarkson

Real Estate Agent
The day I received a notice about an IRS tax lien, I felt my world was crashing down. Sara helped me during these times, managing to lift the lien and reduce my owed amount by 35%. She saved our finances. Big thanks to her.

Frequently Asked Questions

The lien can negatively impact your credit score, making it difficult to get credit. It can also affect your property, as the lien attaches to all of your current assets and future assets while the lien is in place.

Don’t ignore it. You have the right to appeal within 30 days of the notice. Get in touch with our tax professionals, who can help you understand your options and the best course of action.

Yes, liens can be removed through payment in full, setting up a payment arrangement that satisfies the IRS, or through measures like a lien withdrawal, discharge, or subordination.

Act now to secure your financial peace of mind.

The solution to your tax challenges is just a consultation away.

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