Get Individual Tax Preparation: Simple and Swift with #1 Tax Preparers

Get your tax prepared by experts who know their way around the complexities of tax laws. Don’t wait until the last minute. Let Turn to Tax Resolution simplify the process for you, making tax season completely worry-free.

Get Individual Tax Preparation Services, Catered to Every Need

Our individual tax preparation services are designed to cater to every aspect of your tax needs, ensuring a seamless and stress-free tax season. 

  • Comprehensive Tax Review: We start with a thorough review of your financial situation to identify potential tax savings and ensure accuracy in every detail of your tax return.
  • Personalized Tax Planning: Beyond just preparing your taxes, we provide personalized tax planning advice to help minimize your future tax liabilities and maximize your potential refunds.
  • Income Tax Filing: From simple to complex tax situations, we handle all types of income tax filings, ensuring compliance with the latest tax laws and regulations.
  • Deduction and Credit Maximization: We meticulously search for every possible deduction and credit you’re entitled to, aiming to keep more money in your pocket.
  • Self-Employment and Freelancer Taxes: Specializing in tax issues for self-employed individuals and freelancers, we navigate the intricacies of Schedule C and self-employment taxes to optimize your return.
  • Investment Income Reporting: We assist with the accurate reporting of investment income, including capital gains, dividends, and interest income, helping you navigate the complexities of investment taxation.
  • State and Local Tax Filing (SALT): In addition to federal tax returns, we provide state and local tax filing services, tailored to meet the specific requirements of your jurisdiction.
  • IRS Audit Assistance: Should you face an IRS audit, we stand by your side, offering expert advice and support to navigate the audit process with confidence.
  • Amended Returns: If you need to correct a previously filed tax return, we can prepare and file amended returns to rectify any errors or overlooked opportunities.

At Turn to Tax Resolution

We want tax preparation to be simple and effective for you. With top tax preparers by your side, you can approach tax season with confidence, knowing your taxes are in good hands.
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Know our 5-Step Individual Tax Preparation Process

At Turn to Tax Resolution, we’ve streamlined our approach to individual tax preparation into a five-step journey, ensuring precision, maximizing benefits, and maintaining a smooth experience from start to finish.


  1. Discovery Meeting: Our journey together kicks off with a discovery meeting. This is where we dive into your finances, gather essential documents, and address any specific queries you might have. It’s all about creating a service that’s as unique as your tax situation.
  2. Gathering All Necessary Documentations: Next, we sort and scrutinize your financial documents, from W-2s and 1099s to records of deductions and credits. This step is pivotal in making sure we capture every detail accurately for your tax return.
  3. Preparing Your Return: Armed with your financial details, our tax experts draft your tax return. We apply our tax knowledge to ensure every line on your return is accurate and optimized to your advantage.
  4. Review and Adjustment: Before anything is finalized, we sit down with you for a thorough review of the prepared return. This is your moment to ask questions, seek clarifications, and make any needed adjustments.
  5. Seamless Submission: With your approval, we proceed to submit your tax return to the IRS and any state tax agencies as required. We provide you with a copy of your return and are ready to offer post-filing support. This includes answering any follow-up questions and offering advice to optimize your future tax planning.

I understand firsthand how daunting the process of preparing and managing individual taxes can be. It’s a journey that can seem complex and overwhelming, which is precisely why my team and I are here. We’re dedicated to simplifying this process, making it as smooth and stress-free as possible for you. Our mission is to guide you through every step, ensuring that your tax preparation is handled with the utmost care and expertise.

– Sara Escobar Alcala, EA & Founder, Turn to Tax Resolution


For tax preparation, you’ll typically need your Social Security number, W-2 forms, 1099 forms, deduction information, and records of any tax credits. At Turn to Tax Resolution, we provide a comprehensive checklist and personalized guidance to ensure you have all necessary documents ready for a smooth tax preparation process.

Maximizing your tax refund often involves identifying all applicable deductions and credits. Our experts at Turn to Tax Resolution are adept at uncovering every opportunity to maximize your refund, ensuring you don’t leave money on the table.

A tax deduction reduces your taxable income, while a tax credit directly decreases the amount of tax you owe, dollar for dollar. We help you understand these differences and apply them strategically to benefit your tax situation.

Filing requirements for state tax returns vary by state. We at Turn to Tax Resolution consider your specific situation and the state regulations to advise whether you need to file a state return and assist you in preparing it if necessary.

With the increase in remote work, many wonder about deducting home office expenses. Our professionals can help determine your eligibility for such deductions based on the latest IRS guidelines, ensuring your return accurately reflects eligible work-from-home expenses.

Facing an IRS audit can be intimidating. Turn to Tax Resolution offers expert representation and support throughout the audit process, providing peace of mind and ensuring that you’re well-prepared to address any IRS concerns.

Act now to secure your financial peace of mind.

The solution to your tax challenges is just a consultation away.

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